{Blogmas} YouTube Celebraters

With the holidays coming up, everyone seems to be in the celebrating mood - even YouTubers! So here's a list of a few of my favorite YouTubers that are celebrating the holidays in their own way, whether it be vlogmas, gift guides, or other videos!

Claire Marshal | heyclaire

Claire Marshall is one of my all time favorite youtubers! She is everything that I kinda want to be and she's just generally awesome! This year, Claire is in the process of moving - so none of her videos have really reflected any of the holiday stuff she normally does. But do not fear! If you check out her blog (here), you'll see that through her Twitter she is doing a gift giveaway for the days leading up to Christmas. #heyclairemas

{Zoella- Zoe Sugg}

Zoella is a popular English YouTuber who has not only one channels, but two! Both her channels this year are doing Christmas themed things - her main channel has daily Christmas activities and her second channel is vlogmas, where she posts a vlog video every day. While I don't watch her daily vlogs every day, I do enjoy watching her main channel videos! Each video is very different and it's fun to see all the different ideas she has!

{Jenn Im}

Jenn Im also known as Clothes Encounters is doing vlogmas for the first time! Although her vlogmas varies from everyone elses' in that she doesn't post a video every day, but a compilation of vlogs every week. Usually Jenn has videos about clothes and makeup, but it is fun to see a peak into her life and see what she does daily. There's something about knowing YouTubers are normal people that's what makes them so enjoyable to watch. #jennglebells


Sophia is another YouTuber that I enjoy watching. While she's not as well established as some of the other California bloggers, her style is really enjoyable, especially because she doesn't use the most expensive brands. She's more relatable, since a lot of her looks use drugstore or simpler name brand makeup. This year Sophia is doing traditional vlogmas  - so she is posting a video every day of just what's going on in her life.

{Lisa Elderidge}
Makeup with Lisa Elderidge

Lisa Elderidge does great makeup and also has great advice. This year she has a few makeup videos for the holiday, but also she has a great gift guide too. They are a series of videos of different types of makeup to buy, or body gifts and things like that. 

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