{Goals} December Goals


December has silently crept up on us, and now the winter chill is officially here! With December comes a mix of everything; snow, holidays, and finals. With the craziness just around the corner, there's a lot of things I hope to get done, but I'm not sure that all of these are viable things. But as usual, let's reflect back on November's goals first.

November started as a pretty good month for me! I was on top of my goals, and  I was determined to have a very productive month. However, towards the middle of the month midterms hit and all fell apart. Break soon followed, and then I came down with a pretty sever fever, which kept my in bed and apart from everything I wanted to do. 

1. Finish 1 book.  This one I finally managed to do! I've tried to do this before in order to keep up with my Goodreads goal, but in October I failed to finish a book. But in November I got back in track and finished Yes Please by Amy Poehler, you can read my thoughts about that here

2. Run at least 3x a week. This was half completed - at the beginning of the month I was very proactive, running 3 times a week and getting my 10,000 steps at least 4 times a week. However, once midterms hit my fitness levels dropped. BUT DO NOT FEAR... I did manage to successfully run my 8K this month!

3. Attempt and finish the 30 Day Plank Challenge This did not happen at all. 

4. Yoga 2x a week.

5. Stick to a budget of <$50 a week (sans gifts) I was soooo close to this! I managed to keep my budget every week... but then Black Friday hit and my budget died. 

* * *

Anyways December is here now, so let there be new goals! I'm always torn on December goals because part of me wants to give myself some leeway with the end of the year approaching, the holidays, and finals but then the other part of me wants to stay determined and finish the year strong! So this year I've decided to try and do a mix, I will have less goals with some that are easier and one harder one.


1. Finish 1 book. I know I struggle with this goal during the school year, but over Thanksgiving break I started reading Binge by Tyler Oakley, a book I picked up during a meet and greet with Tyler at Mall of America.

2. Take an hour to myself everyday. With finals coming up, I'd like to take an hour for myself to do what I'd like. Whether it be journaling, drawing, youtube videos, or yoga. Really just anything relaxing to help keep the stress at bay.

3. Workout 3x a week. This month, I will take any form of working out as acceptable because of the time crunch. This means yoga, pilates, kickboxing, or running. Really I just need to make sure I'm still helping my body.

4. Keep bed clean and made. I made this a goal a few months ago, but since then I have slowly slipped back into bad habits and my bed always looks like a mess now. In order to go to bed, I pick up the massive pile of stuff and put it back onto my desk, and then in the morning I move everything from the desk to my bed. 

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