{Photo Diaries} Thanksgiving Break


I know you guys are probably getting tired of me saying that these past couple weeks were rough and time consuming for me... but here are a few pictures to show you all what I was up to!

Wine and Cheese Night
Wine and Cheese Night
After finishing our exams, a few STEM friends and I decided to celebrate by having our own "wine-STEM" night a.k.a. wine and cheese night. It was a good relaxing night with friends, food, and lots of sangria.

Winter Ball

Winter Ball is an annual event at our school, it's very similar to winter formal - although I've heard that's for greek life.. and we don't have greek at our school. Feel free to correct me on this!

But my friends and I dressed up for the weekend and got ready for a fun night of dancing and drinking at our school's event. Before hand there was as usual, a lot of prep; hair, makeup, clothes. But this year was also fun because my friends and I decided to make our own pizzas too. So we spent some time making dough, pizza sauce, and even our own cheese! The only thing we didn't make ourselves was the pepperoni and the bell peppers we bought.

Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving morning meant it was finally time for my 8K race... and I'm glad to say that we finished it! Dylan and I woke up early on Thanksgiving and headed downtown to run the 5K/ 8K with a bajillion other runners. We were pretty lucky in that the weather was upper 50's and that it only started to rain after we ran. Needless to say, I'm proud that I managed to run an 8K in 54:49.


Thanksgiving at my house is always a little different - yes we do turkey, mashed potatoes, and the whole shibang. BUT my family likes to do sushi for lunch, so I spent the rest of my morning with my brother rolling and making tons of maki sushi.

After dinner though, we all stumbled onto the couch in our food induced comas for obligatory family pictures and such. My family was joined by my cousin, my aunt, my grandparents, and both mine and my brother's significant others. We managed to cram in all the kids and parents and finally get our picture, so that everyone could go on playing video games, watching football, and all other things.

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