Hi, my name is...


Hey. Hi. Hello.

20 years old. Student. Dreamer. Believer. Scientist in Training. Human. I like to think I’m more than your “typical” girl. But who knows what is and what is not normal anymore. I live my life day by day, in an attempt to ignore planning the future. My life is a constant rotation between college and friends, with the occasional dramatic flair or hardship thrown in.

I’ve nothing particularly special about mee - I’m not a child prodigy, I’m not your superior Einstein, and I’m not your runway model. I’m a mixed collection of unique and wonderful traits that make mee who I am. And for the most part, I’m still learning who I am as I go through life. 

Diaries are meant to be private. Journals are meant to be kept daily. But blogs are meant to be a collection of thoughts shared with the world. After all it’s a big world out there. And I invite you to enter mine - and stay if you want.

*** Ayim M.

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