As a new blogger, I'm not really sure how much of my personal life to put out there for anyone to find and read. I don't really have many outlets of social media, I only have tumblr and instagram, so very few people I know in real life even know I have a blog. I just want a place to put down all my thoughts about my life and interests. I was trying to think of a cool and creative way to introduce myself without posting lots of mini biographies, so after googling various blogging challenges, I settled on a list courtesy of hyperactive daydream. I hope these ideas will help me to open up and develop my voice and writing style. As a college student, blogging everyday seems like a daunting tasks, so I decided to make this a 31 week challenge and to post once a week with this being the first post and the first week.
Similarly to my inspiration, I decided to keep the name of this challenge the "Getting to Know Me" Blogging Challenge because I'm hoping that through these posts I'll be able to let readers (and anyone who happens upon my blog) know who I am. So every week this challenge will be a new chapter in my autobiography. A bit dramatic sounding - I know.
I've listed all the topics I will be writing about, and I've linked the original post (where I got my inspiration from). If you want to follow along and write your own posts, I think that would be amazing! I'd love to hear about other peoples thoughts and feelings too! Just leave a comment or link your answers below!
So stay tuned for next week's blogging challenge task!
Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.