There are so many different facts you can list about a person. You have your standard fill in the blank form questions; name, gender, age. There are also the fun orientation get you know you like questions; favorite quote, if you were a vending machine what would you vend, etc. So without further adieu - I give you a list of the top 20 things I could think about myself that people may find mildly interesting!
1. I am left handed - not from an accident or any extreme reasons, all natural. I was born to two right handed parents, who interestingly enough have two left handed children.
2. My blog is a play on words of my name - see if you can figure it out! Let me know if you do!
3. I have a strong love affair with my planner, I love planning and organizing things. (I also have a love affair with my google calendar.)
4. I'm an extreme concert whore. At least 6 concerts a year... I know it's a problem.
5. My Meyer's Brigg personality is INFJ (introvert, intuition, feelings, judging). This has changed over the years, and I'm still not sure how much I agree with it.
6. This is my third attempt at starting and maintaing a blog.
7. I will always choose to drink milk over any other drink.
8. My hair is a mess of different colors, a unique mixture of my natural hair color and left over dyed or bleached colors. It's kinda a problem, especially the lingering purple color.
9. Something about baking (especially muffins and cupcakes) give me feelings of peace. Just being able to control how something turns out and having a delicious outcome.
10. I love the sound of a shutter click. I'm very pro- analogue cameras.
11. I prefer a quiet movie or game night in with friends than attending a huge party.
12. But with that being said - I love attending giant halloween parties.
13. I've never owned any pets, except for a brief stint with fish and an adopted guinea pig. I really want to own either a cat or a bunny, but I will have to wait until after college.
14. Solid black liquid eyeliner is my secret weapon. Whenever I wear it, I instantly feel more confident and more comfortable. I guess gel liner is okay too.
15. I believe in snail mail. I currently have 4 different people I keep in contact with via letter writing. I'm also a member of my school's pen pal group. I own so many different types of paper and cards, it's a little ridiculous.
16. While I believe everyone is still a child at heart, I firmly believe I am still a 20 year old child. My love for stickers, rice crispy treats, and coloring books runs strong.
17. My favorite television show is C.S.I. Yes, I know it's not accurate - I'm a chemistry major.
18. I don't wear either glasses or contacts. So cutting onions is a horrible time for me. And the act of putting contacts in your eyes gives me the shivers, I don't understand why people will put those alien like things into eyers.
19. Throughout my life I have participated in swimming, soccer, ballet, horse back riding, tennis, volleyball, golf, ice skating, and fencing. But I didn't stick with any of them for long, making me conclude I am not an athlete.
20. My style is a combination of polka dots and bows mixed with lots of black, plaid, and piercings.
What are some random facts about you?
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This post is part of my Getting to Know Me Blogging Challenge, the goal of which to introduce myself to you. A list of each week's topic can be found in the Introduction post. If you would like to participate in the challenge or write up some blog posts from the challenge, let me know! I would love to read them!
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