{Blogging Challenge} Getting to Know Me: Favorite Quote
My favorite quote is something I have followed since I was a child. I am not sure if the quote is famous or from any notable movie or book, but I came across the quote in a catalog when I was young. I cut that quote out and taped it by mirror, where I could see it every day.
"Everyone's choice begins with a dream, because with dreams
everything is possible"
I love this quote because not only is it inspirational, but it also has a sense of wonder to it. I know part of it is cheesy and is motivational, convincing people not to give up on what they want. And I really like the idea of it, this quote got me through some rough times not only with school but with personal issues too. I also like how the quote allows people to dream, and that having your head in the clouds is not always a bad thing.
Like I said, I really live by this quote. This small piece of paper has lasted for many years, but one day I hope to have it tattooed on my body as a reminder every day.
What's your favorite quotes? Any good inspirational words to live by?
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This post is part of my Getting to Know Me Blogging Challenge, the goal of which to introduce myself to you. A list of each week's topic can be found in the Introduction post. If you would like to participate in the challenge or write up some blog posts from the challenge, let me know! I would love to read them!
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