{Goals} November Goals


November is here and with it comes daylight savings time - so don't forget to set your clocks back! With this month, the holidays are starting, so not only do I have to watch the weather, I need to guard my wallet and my eating habits! But before I list this month's goals, let's look back on October's. 

October was a pretty busy month for me, lots of school and activities going around. Thank goodness for our school's fall break, otherwise I would've gone crazy. But with my goals, I fell short. I didn't manage to complete as much as I wanted... 

1. Keep my bed clean of clothes during the school week. This I managed to finish, after I disciplined myself the first week, it was easy to keep my bed clean during the month. And I really enjoyed how clean this little task made my whole room appear.

2. Finish 1 book. This failed - I've started and am still reading Yes Please by Amy Poehler.

3. Run at least 3x a week, train for the Turkey Trot 8K! This also failed, I recently started kickboxing and one week I hurt my foot and was unable to run for the week.

4. Start a new blog series. This I managed to do! I started a new series, 5 on Friday.

* * *

So with October coming to and end, I've put that all behind me and I've got a new list of goals to follow. Hopefully some of last month's goals will still stick with me this month, without them having to be a goal anymore, since I really like having a clean bed! With the holidays coming, my November goals will focus mostly on fitness and budgeting. 


1. Finish 1 book.
This month I really hope I can finish Yes Please by Amy Poehler! It's not that I don't enjoy this book, but it's difficult for me to find the time to settle down and read.

2. Run at least 3x a week - seriously this time! The Turkey Trot 8K is now only a few weeks away. This means I officially need to start training and running if I expect to finish the race!

3. Attempt and finish the 30 day plank challenge. Kickboxing has really got me wanting to get in shape - planks are a huge part of our workout. If you guys want to try it with me, the schedule is here.

4. Yoga 2x a week. Yoga will help stretch out and is important to help calm me when life is stressful. This is something I want to start working on, I used to do pilates last year - so I feel like yoga will be good for me too.

5. Stick to a budget of <$50 a week (sans gifts). With the holidays coming up, it's tempting to keep buying everything and anything with all the sales going on. So in order to control my spending on food and such, I need to stick to my budget. Plus there are so many birthdays in November and December that I need to save money to get those people their presents too!

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