{Blogging Challenge} Getting to Know Me: 5 Favorite Movies


This week's post seems pretty straight forward.. maybe you'll find your next Netflix pick on this post!

1. Alice in Wonderland

Either Disney film - animated or not- is wonderful to me! This was one of my favorite childhood books, so seeing it in film really projects your imagination onto the big screen.

2. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

As you guys probably know, I really like Ben Barnes. This movie is his first major film that crossed the European - American lines. The Narnia series is a great childhood book series, and while the major change in the book -aging Prince Caspian by about 10 years- is a great change! I don't mind seeing an older Caspian, and the movie also includes other great actors like Peter Dinklage too!

3. Inception

This movie is great! There's a lot to this movie, you can watch it to enjoy it or you can watch it to figure it out. I love how simplistic or though provoking this film is! 

4. Batman: The Dark Knight

Just like Inception, this movie is simplistic or thought provoking. Also like Inception, Christopher Nolan is the director - and he is one of my favorite directors! He makes such great movies that really manage to entice you! Any film in the Batman series is great, but I really love the Dark Knight! Plus it was shot in my home city - so I had fun watching some Gotham trucks drive around that summer.

5. 21 and Over

This movie is not quite like the others, it more comedic and light hearted. Oh and it's also a little more college related - beware it is R rated. I wasn't a fan of The Hangover, but this is kinda like a college version of that movie. Let alone I love how this movie builds up, uses, and tears apart every racial stereotype for Asians and Jews. Funny, yet not offensive.

These movies are great! Any time I'm stumped for a movie to watch, I'll pick one of these! I could watch these over and over without getting tired of them. I've got lots of them memorized so far! Do you guys have any favorite movies? Let me know which ones - I'd love to add some new ones to my favorites list!

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This post is part of my Getting to Know Me Blogging Challenge, the goal of which to introduce myself to you. A list of each week's topic can be found in the Introduction post. If you would like to participate in the challenge or write up some blog posts from the challenge, let me know! I would love to read them!

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