{5 on Friday} Online Time Wasters

Earlier this month, I shared my October Goals and decided that I wanted to try and start a new blog post series. So after much debate searching the web a bit, I decided to start....

5 on Friday

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Basically everyone uses their computer daily, and I am no exception to that idea. As a student, I use my laptop to check emails, take notes, and do homework. But I also listen to music, browse the internet, procrastinate, and kill time online. I admit.. I'm not the perfect student, I do need a break from work every now and then.

So without further adieu, here is five sites that I use when I procrastinate.


Buzzfeed is wonderful! Yes it is a lot of click bait and they do find some of their content from other sites, who posted it first, but it is a great time waster. They have everything from videos, to DIYs, and quizzes. I'm a big fan of quizzes and support anything Friends related.


Who doesn't love Netflix? Or more of.. who doesn't have their account... or has "borrowed" one from their friend's brother's girlfriend's cousin's dad? I feel like everyone has a Netflix account, or access to one. And tele is just a wonderful way to kill time and relax.

Try this for starters: Criminal Minds


While Netflix is all about tele and movies, YouTube is a little simpler... it offers anything! You can find music videos, old movies, small clips, random talk shows, etc. I am an avid YouTuber! I start my day getting ready to my newest subscription videos on YouTube. It's a way to wake myself up without dealing with people yet. Coffee and some old Ellen episodes.

Try this for starters: Mental Floss


I was not a pinterest person before college at all. To be honest, I was a tumblr addict (still am) and I thought that pinterest was a rip- off stupid idea. I have since changed my mind entirely. I love pinterest so much, it's a great way to compile and keep lots of ideas and internet links in one place. I have stored all my recipes and baking treats on it.

Try this for starters: Mee132


This one is probably a bit out of the norm. I love Urban Outfitter's clothes, so whenever I need a small burst of energy, I enjoy window shopping on their website. I'm a fan of their designs, just not of their prices. Which means I can spend hours and hours scrolling through their blog and their sale pages.

Try this for starters: UO Community

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What are your favorite online sites? Let me know below if there are any site I'm missing out on! I'm always looking for new sites to check out when I need a break!

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